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Lung Cancer Screening

According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States, with an estimated 236,740 new cases reported in 2022. It is by far the leading cause of cancer death, making up 25% of all cancer deaths.

Early detection of lung cancer is associated with better treatment outcomes, and Community Memorial is dedicated to providing screening and detection resources to our community.

CT Lung Cancer Screening is endorsed by the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, and the American Society of Clinical Oncology. It is recommended for patients who meet the following criteria:

  • Age 55 – 74 years old
  • Current smoker — or — former smoker who has quit in the last 15 years
  • A history of at least 30 years of smoking

What is Lung Cancer Screening?

Community Memorial’s Lung Cancer Screening Program includes a low-dose chest CT, lung nodule detection, lung nodule registry, and lung cancer diagnosis (if applicable). The screening is a quick test that requires you to lie still for a few moments while the scan is performed. No needles, injections, or preparation is required.

After Screening

After your lung cancer screening, a radiologist will review your scans and report the results to you doctor. Your primary care doctor will follow up with you to discuss the results and any further evaluation if needed.

If your screening indicates that further tests are needed, our specialists will work with you to develop a diagnosis and treatment plan that is personalized to your specific needs.

If you would like to schedule a screening, ask your primary care doctor, or call 805-948-5459 for more information.