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Jennifer Wan, MD

  • NPI Number: 1922264522
  • Primary Specialty: Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Additional Specialty: daVinci
  • Languages Spoken: English, Chinese - Mandarin
  • Gender: Female


Jennifer Wan is a cardiothoracic surgeon who has been with CMHS since 2019. She went to medical school at USC. She completed general surgery residency at UCSF - East Bay. She completed cardiothoracic surgery fellowship at the University of Michigan in 2012 and later received additional training in cardiac surgery at Mayo Clinic.

Dr. Wan was in practice for 6 years at Kaiser in Northern California where she specialized in thoracic oncology. She came to to CMHS from the Mayo Clinic and Kaiser in Northern California. Since arriving at CMHS, she has been a founding member of the transcatheter aortic valve (TAVR) program and initiated clinical research in the field.

Dr. Wan now performs both adult cardiac surgery and thoracic surgery at CMH. In cardiac surgery, Dr. Wan performs coronary artery bypass grafting, valve replacements and aortic valve and aneurysm repairs, mitral valve surgery, and transcatheter aortic and mitral valve replacements.

She specializes in minimally invasive approaches to lung cancer, esophageal cancer and benign foregut disease. Dr. Wan performs robot assisted, thoracoscopic, and laparoscopic surgery for lung nodules, mediastinal masses, achalasia, hiatal hernia and esophageal tumors.

Age Groups Seen

  • Adult 21-65
  • Older Adult >65
  • Medical School
  • University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine